Walking PET will be transformative!
We already have proof of concept data with our device thanks to our wonderful post-doc Chris Bauer and student Nanda Siva, plus the...
News for students about our imager
Check out this nice write-up on the latest advances in the ability to image in motion, including our AMPET imager!...
Military Health Science Research Symposium - what a great experience
We presented at this conference and there was mutual enthusiasm, in both the research I was seeing and for this project, especially...
Auditory review proposes AMPET to help solve methods gap in field
MRI is noisy which is challenging for those who study audition. James Lewis and I propose a novel auditory model for object perception...
Engineering a walking PET - new academic publication!
Check out our manuscript on innovative solutions to support the imager while walking! http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/17/5/1164
Rat cap to Helmet PET to AMPET - a Brookhaven feature
This article gives some fascinating background on the evolution of ideas that led to the wearable PET scanner... starting with a rat at...
Engineering Feature on AMPET!
Two great article on our project - this one is a nice story about our advances in walking PET scans https://aabme.asme.org/posts/pet-scan...
AMPET at the dentist
My husband was greeted with an article on AMPET dominating the 'Patients in the news' board. News outlets like the clinical...
Capitol Hill!
A week ago today, I visited Senator Shelley Moore-Capito and others on Capitol Hill to talk about our NIH/NIMH/NIBIB funded research, on...
Lots of coverage lately!
We had a press conference at AAAS, the organization behind Science Magazine and a major force to promote science in our nation. It was...